How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git? [Multiple Methods]

To undo the most recent local commits in Git, you can use the ‘git reset‘ command followed by the commit hash. For example:

git reset HEAD~1

This will remove the most recent commit and all the changes made in that commit. Note that this will not delete the commit permanently, but rather move the branch pointer to the previous commit. You can use the ‘--hard‘ option to delete the commit permanently:

git reset --hard HEAD~1

Be careful when using the ‘--hard‘ option, as it will delete the commit permanently and you will not be able to recover the changes made in that commit.

If you want to undo multiple commits, you can use the commit hash of the commit that you want to reset to. For example, to undo the last two commits:

git reset HEAD~2

You can also use the commit hash directly to reset to a specific commit. For example:

git reset COMMIT_HASH

Note that using ‘git reset ‘will not delete the commits permanently, it will just move the branch pointer to the specified commit. To delete the commits permanently, you can use the ‘git revert‘ command, which will create new commits that revert the changes made in the previous commits.

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